Do you guys watch The Best Ever Food Review Show? I do! I used to not like him because I thought he's just another white person banking off of views from developing countries but turns out he's more than that. Anyway, not here to promote him or his channel but I wanted to give an overview of his channel before diving in on...
I was in Baguio for over a week last month because my sister finally graduated from Med School! I mean, the entire 4 years was a struggle for all of us, especially financially but we all pulled through with flying colors! The family decided to stay for a week since she was having her Gabi ng Parangal on a Tuesday and the actual...
HEYYYYYYYY! I just wanted to let that big hey out of the way because I miss you guys so much! I miss blogging, I miss my little space on the internet, I miss reading your comments and talking to you guys! I know I promised time management and better prioritization on my last post, but most of my free time I really just...
I don’t even know how to begin my posts whenever I intend to review things related to Japan or Japanese culture. I mean if it isn’t obvious yet, I’m obsessed with anything Japanese most especially food. And today, I’ll be introducing yet another discovery which turned out to be a new addition to our favorites! We all know Japanese food can get really...
I haven’t had the chance to update my Maginhawa Diaries blog series in a while because going to the food strip has been taxing as of late. I only have the time to go to QC during the weekends since we can all agree that traffic is a bitch on weekdays. Whenever I do get a chance to dine at Maginhawa on a...
My work has piled up big time but I don't care, I love what I do. There are times where the stress gets to me, but not this week, for some reason. Maybe because cooking has been extremely therapeutic; or it could also be that I've been trying to eat healthy too. My sleeping pattern is still all sorts of fucked up but...
I haven't capped 2015 off but here I am endlessly posting about my food adventures. I've been spending my 2016 scouring for the latest all-you-can-eat buffets, or cooking up something relatively new to excite my palate. The prodigal daughter is also returning to her kitchen. I've been experimenting on different ingredients as of late to expand the variety of taste I'm accustomed to. ...
I know I've said a gazillion times how much I love Japanese food, but can I just say it again? I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD to death! It wasn't in my late twenties that I became fond of Japanese food. When I was working in Technohub, my go-to place was Red Kimono. I was thrilled upon finding out that my next work location would...
I almost forgot about this post until our visit to Tagaytay over the weekend! I've been spending most of my weekends in Tagaytay since the boyfriend's family has a really nice place there; which is also where I've been lazily spending every waking free moment of my life. We went out to have dinner at this cozy Japanese Cafe + Bistro which had...
I love routines. At work, I have a flexible schedule but I try to stay on the same shift for the whole month so I can hang out with the same people, go home at the same time, I get to memorize what traffic is like,uhm, yeah. Scratch that last part. Traffic in this hell hole is unpredictable so let's go back to...
Do you every get those lazy nights where you have a to-do list but you end up doing nothing? Yeah, I've been getting a lot of those nights. I don't why I've been feeling too exhausted lately, but when I get home, I just wash my face and watch my series until I fall asleep. I end up not eating anything for dinner...
I've been trying to eat at all the restaurants in Maginhawa. I don't know why I came up with that goal, which is proving to be quite difficult since I now live in Mandaluyong, but I'm having a lot of fun doing it! I'm lucky to have a supportive boyfriend who doesn't mind driving me to my destination despite the horrendous traffic. Over...
This post is long overdue. Much like my other food exploits since I eat more than I blog, heh. A few months ago, my sister Kat celebrated her birthday. We wanted to surprise her and make fer feel as if we didn't care about her special day which is why we told her we have other things planned. My sister is adventurous when...
I'm a sucker for Asian food, every one knows that. And no, I'm not just talking about Filipino and Japanese, although I must say I have a huge bias on the two, hehe. During one of our Maginhawa expeditions, we were trying to avoid StrEAT Food Park as much as possible because I've seen the amount of people that flock the place and...