Ochi In The City: Zambales

OPPO F1s: Summer #OOTD

Summer is conspicuously my favorite season. Well, it's not like we have so many other seasons to choose from but you get my drift. Despite the grueling heat and icky sweat we experience during the height of summer--I'm obviously still in love with it. It probably stems from the fact that I know it's the perfect season to finally flaunt my wide array...

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Armada Resort

Weekend Wander : Magalawa Island

GAAAH, I’ve only managed to post one entry for May and it irks the hell out of me. May was the busiest month for me so far, and not just because of my birthday, but also because of the several events and summer outings I had to setup and attend. I also hosted our company’s summer outing which is why work has been...

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Salt In The Air, Sand In My Hair

Let me start by saying this is a long overdue post but something that I need to share anyway. My last hoorah for summer happened some 2-3 weeks ago, see, I've procrastinated a lot since then. The trip took us 7-8 hrs I think because of a series of unfortunate events. If I may enumerate, a tricycle driver hit the rear of the...

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