COLLABORATE - Ochi In The City


Hi, there! I'm Ochi, Queen Bee at Ochi In The City. I'm a Corporate Trainer aka Resident Meanie at an IT company somewhere along the confines of Ortigas. I motivate and inspire people during the day, and blog/vlog about my (mis)adventures at night. If you're interested in working on a project with me, drop me a note at ochibernadas[at]hotmail.com.

Sometimes, I creatively spur magic dust into words; creating impressive and note-worthy pieces. I do Essays, Features, blogs and articles. My creative dust usually comes into play whenever your bring out food or invite me to wander somewhere. You can check more of my published work here : Alysa Bernadas for When In Manila.

I'm a self-taught, self-proclaimed photographer. And while learning photography happened to be on my own--I did take a few workshops here and there to enhance my passion for taking photos. I mostly do food and portrait photography. Hit me up if you want your food, or if you, want to look like Beyonce. LOLJK.

Ah, yes. My accidental talent. I've managed to bring life to Weddings, PR Events, Team Buildings and Corporate Events. Head on over to my Youtube channel for a free demo. I would love to make your event as fun-filled as the dead corpse next to me. LOL, KIDDING.

Ochi In The City is open to sponsors, product reviews, affiliates, collaborations, paid advertisements and other forms of compensation. Reviews will consist of a blog post and/or links to the product or service. If you're think you have a product or service that will interest my readers, send me an e-mail at ochibernadas@hotmail.com. 

I've Worked With : 

