Ochi In The City: lifestyle

5 Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle choices to a large extent determine the kind of existence we lead. Just like everyone else, you want to live a long life full of fun. You want a life free of diseases and struggle. While there are things you simply can’t avoid in life such as disease and misfortune, you want to be happy and contented. Well, it all hinges on...

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Friday's 10 Happy Things | 2

Aside from the horrendous traffic we experience last Tuesday, I think I had a pretty good week. I don't want to remember how horrible Tuesday was because I actually consider myself one of the lucky few who didn't get wet, who had to walk home or who paid P1k+ for a ride home. Doing this week's 10 Happy Things also made me realize...

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Avon Eyeshadow Quad

Everyday Beauty Essentials

I remember being fond of make-up when I was a child. But I also remember being utterly terrified by it when I swallowed a tube of our house helper's chocolate-flavored lipstick. In my defense, I was kid--and I thought make-up was edible. From there, I sort of developed this phobia when it comes to make-up. It also didn't help that my school didn't...

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