The Blogger - Ochi In The City

The Blogger

Who's Ochi?
Hi, I'm Ochi and this is my online diary. Don't ask me how I got my name, I promise you I have more interesting stories to tell.  I'm a twenty-something idealist currently experiencing an existential crisis. I try and inspire people at my day job. At night, I love cuddling with rhum and pizza. Were you thinking beer? Meh. My ideal weekend is comfortably snuggling in my all-white, super soft, 600-thread count comforter while doing a marathon of the entire Law and Order franchise. In my fantasy, I'm married to the famous Jack McCoy. I'm a Corporate Monkey so don't you mess with me!

Ochi in the City
Ochi in the City started out as a personal diary in 2009. Way back, the author was immature and would post overly personal and dramatic posts on this page--fortunately, she has changed since. Now, the blog primarily focuses on gastronomic adventures, local destinations in the Philippines and a few beauty and blogging tips and tricks here and there. The author also loves posting about her own life hacks with hopes of making city living easier for everyone and every Juan.

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