Hello, lovely readers! I feel like I’ve been so out of touch with you guys and the blog lately since most of the posts I’ve been doing are sponsored or backlogged posts that don’t really tell much of what’s been happening to me these days. I’m ecstatic to be doing another version of Friday’s 10 Happy Things so I get to share with...
Hi, guys! It's been a while since I did a run down of the things I'm happy and thankful for since I've been crazy busy the past few months. But I realized this is the perfect time to do another listicle so before I procrastinate some more, let's begin! 1. I got a new job! Well, not a new new job but a...
Aaaah, it's finally Friday! And while I still have a busy weekend ahead of me, I'm still glad I'll be able to drink until the wee hours of the morning later. Well, not that I didn't do that last Wednesday; the only difference is, I get to stay in bed for 12hrs since it's a Saturday tomorrow. Yasssss! I'm thrilled to share with...
Heeeeey, how are you guys holding up? Cheer up! It's the last day of the week and we've managed to hustle through it! I've had a crazy week myself, and I haven't been sleeping well, to be honest. Something has been bothering me the past few days but I can't quite put my finger on it. To cope, I've been trying my best...
I know I haven’t been updating this personal space on the intarwebz; but that’s only because real life has been crazy. And I mean crazy in a good way. I’ve been going out a lot not just with the boyfriend but with his family. We had a lovely girl’s night out last week at La Vie Parisienne. I intended to review the place...
OMG, I can't believe I'm down to my last working day for 2015! This was such a crazy but awesome year for me. Oops, I'll save all that drama for my year-end post, haha. As I write this, I'm already done with everything I need to do for the day and I'm just giving away gifts and spending time with people who will...
I've been so busy the past few weeks that I haven't really had the time to do my 10 Happy Things. I've been heavily relying on queued posts that work any time of the day, or any day of the week, for that matter. This week, I decided to take a breather and look at the things that have been making me feel...
I was thinking of putting of this week's Friday's 10 Happy Things until I remembered one of my resolutions for this year, which is to be consistent with everything I do. May it be a task at work, a fitness program or simply following my blog series schedule. Obviously I didn't commit to the fitness program part (lol) because getting up in the...
Aside from the horrendous traffic we experience last Tuesday, I think I had a pretty good week. I don't want to remember how horrible Tuesday was because I actually consider myself one of the lucky few who didn't get wet, who had to walk home or who paid P1k+ for a ride home. Doing this week's 10 Happy Things also made me realize...
I've been crazy busy the past few weeks and haven't really found the time to work on my back logs. I'm still in the process of rediscovering tools that will help my blogging life easier. I'm pretty sure there's a more efficient way to make this blog work to my advantage. Easier that what I'm doing right now, lol. Once I've finalized my...