Ochi In The City: Features

Friday's 10 Happy Things | 3

I was thinking of putting of this week's Friday's 10 Happy Things until I remembered one of my resolutions for this year, which is to be consistent with everything I do. May it be a task at work, a fitness program or simply following my blog series schedule. Obviously I didn't commit to the fitness program part (lol) because getting up in the...

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Friday's 10 Happy Things | 2

Aside from the horrendous traffic we experience last Tuesday, I think I had a pretty good week. I don't want to remember how horrible Tuesday was because I actually consider myself one of the lucky few who didn't get wet, who had to walk home or who paid P1k+ for a ride home. Doing this week's 10 Happy Things also made me realize...

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Friday's 10 Happy Things | 1

I've been crazy busy the past few weeks and haven't really found the time to work on my back logs. I'm still in the process of rediscovering tools that will help my blogging life easier. I'm pretty sure there's a more efficient way to make this blog work to my advantage. Easier that what I'm doing right now, lol. Once I've finalized my...

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Bits + Pieces

I'm so thankful I finally had the time to update this blog! I was't extremely busy, my priority was on other things--at least for the past few weeks. We're still trying to fix things here and there while getting used to living in a condo. It's not high-maintenance or anything like that, just redecorations and buying more stuff so it finally looks like...

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bits and pieces

Bits + Pieces

Work has been pretty possessive lately, my apologies for the lack of content in my little online space. I have a lot of photos queued but I haven't really found the time to make a story out of them, and yes, recipes included. I decided to create a new category on my blog, which will contain bits and pieces of Instagram photos, just...

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