Discover Davao : Giant Clam Sanctuary
Monday, March 20, 2017
Okay, wait. Forgive me for not working on my Davao backlogs! When I look at all the queued photos, I just lose hope, haha! I took this trip last year and photos have since resurfaced on my Facebook under the "On this day.." reminders and I still can't find myself to post about my adventure. Truth be told. blogging about trips is difficult. Moreso with a disorganized person like me! I've mostly forgotten about the details I should be including on every post like the prices, how to get there, etc. I'm just so glad and thankful my boyfriend keeps notes of our expenses and I can just look back at them!
Anyway, on to the next destination. As mentioned in my last post, this side tour was part of our Island Hopping experience while we were in Samal. We didn't know where we were going--we just entrusted everything to our boatman since he works for Davao Pearl Farm and we trust that he knew his way around the island. Aside from the other islands and dive spots we visited during the entire trip, the boatman also brought us to the Giant Clam Sanctuary. I'll be detailing the costs towards the end of this post. For now, here's a photo dump!
We were so excited to get into the sanctuary we kept asking the boatman, "Are we there yet?" So For your sake, you'll know if you're closing in when you see a huge raft in the middle of the ocean, haha! That's where you'll have to pay the entrance of P100 which also covers the environmental fee. If you want to rent a mask and snorkel, that's an additional P100. You would have to undergo a short orientation that would basically tell you about the things you can and can't do. Remember, don't touch the clams and never step on them! We swam around for about an hour or so until we were satisfied that covered most of the area.
It's amazing looking at these giant clams and the guide telling us how old each clam was. And yes, you get to have a guide with you. He'll show you around the biggest clams and help you swim towards the oddly-shaped ones. Sadly, I don't have a photo underwater because I can't seem to keep myself underwater for a long time, unlike the boyfriend-meh.Hope you guys enjoyed the photos that I shared. Can't wait to show the video of the entire trip. Two more posts to go then I'll get right on the video!
Have you seen the Giant Clam Sanctuary?