Make My Wish Come True, All I Want For Christmas...

Monday, December 16, 2013

1.  Mini Cupcake Maker - I know this is a waste of resource since I can wish for an oven instead. But, a girl can wish, yes? Plus, it's cute and handy!

2. LG Pocket Photo Printer - I originally wanted an Instax camera but the film can be quite expensive. Also, the thought of not knowing how your photos will turn out does excite me, but frightens me too. Wasted photo paper is wasted money after all.

3. Adidas Fitness Boxing Gloves - After over a year of flushing toxins and fats out of my body, I don't have any excuse not to exercise anymore. I've been into boxing intermittently for the past months and I want to be consistent next year. It's also not very ideal to rent gloves where I workout, they can get very stinky. (Update : Gift from my sister!)

4. MAC Riri Woo Lipstick - Because I just discovered my unwavering love for matte lipstick. And because I've looked everywhere and it seems like some pyscho hoarded everything because I can't seem to find one. I also don't like online shopping that much so you're an angel if you can give me this. (Update : Got this as a gift!)

5. Elliptical Machine - I know no one's going to give me this because it's too expensive, but posting it anyway because I believe the universe can conspire to make things happen--or not? Haha! Aside from boxing, I need a steady home workout too. And I'm getting tired of Zumba so...

6. Xbox 360 - Because this is the perfect partner for out TV! And I'm not a gamer or anything but I love playing gory games and Dance Central! I want to give this to myself as a present, so if you know anyone sellin g their pre-loved consoles, hit me up! (Update : Got this for myself!)

7. Modcloth's Traveling Cupcake Truck Dress - This is the perfect summer dress. I'm ready for summer and this is the only thing I need!

When I was initially creating this post, I had two more items under it. A bed frame and a big-ass TV, but these items I've scratched off my list! Thanks to bibi for the TV and thanks to my 13th month pay for the bed frame! Yaaay! I think I've been pretty good this year so I'm hoping for a 5/7 on this Christmas list. LOLOLOL! Happy holidays, lovelies!
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