I Think I Want To Marry You

Monday, October 29, 2012

Marriage is something I'm very excited about, yes, at this age and time right? Pfft. But yes, I'm excited even if there's no certainty that it's going to happen. My overly conservative Mom who I love dearly, don't get me wrong, was proposing I get married this year since the boyfriend and I sleep together most of the time.,I'm like, what? Just because we sleep together doesn't mean we're ready for the so called ups and downs of getting married. Plus, getting married and being married are just some of the phrases that bring a whole baggage of responsibilities with them. Not to say I don't want to buuuut, I'm just not ready.

My Mom brought up several reasons why we should do it, one of which having a baby at this age is very ideal because you'll have all the energy and zest to bond with your baby, etc. I'm trying to understand my Mom but it just leads to disagreements and all that shit so I'll stop here. Since I'm talking about weddings, I've been seeing several astonishing wedding gowns over at Pinterest and I thought of sharing them with everyone who has plans of getting married in the near future. (That's definitely not me!)

I'm just going to keep them here, I'd probably go back to these references when I'm ready to get married. For now, I'll try to save up for my non-existent future and make sure I bank up enough money for milk, diapers, leggings and Cocoa butter (they say it prevents stretch marks).

 I guess getting married at this age has it's pros and cons but to sum it all up, I'm not yet ready. I know I've found the right guy, but, this is not the right time and we both know that. We don't want to get married due to pressure and end up having to go our separate ways in the end.

I'm babbling again, I'll stop because this is not my area of expertise. I just want to let my thoughts out and post these awesome photos.

Anyone here who's married? I'd love to hear all about your stories!

All photos via Pinterest. 


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