I was never the type of student to excel in class or be super bibo during recitations. I'd rather sit quietly and reflect on the different ideas that emerge in class. I like reflecting a lot, which also mirrors the type of adult learner that I am. Now that I think about it, I reckon I somehow missed on a lot of opportunities when I was in school. Opportunity to express my ideas and have it nurtured, opportunity to get on a heated discussion and defend my answers or opportunity to be told I'm wrong so I will be challenged and be more critical, among others. But I also think being more of a reflector growing up helped me in ways I couldn't even imagine. I don't know why I had to say that and have some sort of preface before finally saying why we went to Amici the other day. But I bet you'll get the drift, hehe.
My younger sisters, who are still in school btw, are currently on vacation. Yay! Cheers to the academic calendar shift they get to technically spend their 'summer' during the rainy season, lol. We decided to eat at Amici the other day to celebrate my youngest sister's little victory. All of us went to UP for college, but never really had the glory and prestige of being a University Scholar. The University Scholar is a merit award for students who attained a GWA (General Weighted Average) of 1.45 (or at least a Magna Cum Laude standing) and above. My sister's GWA for last semester was, drum roll please, 1.08. I guess you now know what the preface is for, haha. I was overjoyed when I found out. She likes pasta and cheesecake, so I thought Amici would be the perfect place. She lives for food, by the way.