Have you ever had that feeling where you just want to quit work and sleep all day beside the person you love? Well, I'm saying this not in a romantic sense but in the perspective of a 20-something professional who just got tired of what's she's doing and what she's about to do next, so the next best option is to cuddle and sleep with that person who's always been there for her. Her you say? Yes, because that person is me.
Phew. I typed that sentence spontaneously, not thinking if I'll be having typos or what have you. I feel tired. More like, sick and tired of everything especially work. It's not that the location (as of now) is too far, it's not the people I work with, it's not the money, it's not the food in the pantry, I just got tired.
I overthink all the time and I won't even bother to deny that. When I see photos of previous friends and classmates from college, and they're currently pursuing another degree or probably taking up medicine or law without having to work at the same time, I feel jealous. Was I less of a student, better yet a person while we were in college? Why is he/she more glorified than I am was when he was a slut and she drank beer all night. I know I shouldn't be feeling that way, but I guess I keep on thinking that life's unfair. That while other people are struggling with work and life, others keep on complaining how the atmosphere in Starbucks is not conducive for learning.