Masking 101 : Ponds Mineral DETOXXX Clay Mask

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Ever since I started being religious with my skin care, masking has been one of my favorite additions. I have a video on my favorite masks but I'll be discussing that in depth on another blog. For today, I want to go forth and discuss an affordable beginner mask that you can opt for if you want to start your masking journey! Today's Mask if Pond's newest product--the Mineral Clay Mask Line. For this post I specifically chose the D-TOXXX Mask because with the amount of makeup I put on my face, you best believe I'll choose the one that can take the gunk out of my face. 

I first saw this mask while I was aimlessly walking through Watsons. And you know what Watsons does! It makes you buys things you don't actually need but you go ahead and justify it once you're at the counter and end up carrying more bags than expected. It's like the Daiso of skin care and makeup, geez. But anyway, I bought a bunch of tiny masks in tiny pouches that I wanted to try out. 

Before you watch the video, just wanted to give a brief summary of how the product has worked on me so far. Since the video, I have purchased another small pouch of this clay mask. It's not just good for two uses, I was able to effectively use it for around 4x which is incredible given the price point. Again when it comes to texture, I haven't really seen any noticeable difference but I like putting it on after I remove heavy makeup. When I was it off it just feels like all the gunk has left my face so it feels perfect right before when I go to bed. If you want to see the mark in action, the video below details my first impression review on it. Let me know if it works for you!

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