Hey, everyone. For today's recipe I thought I'd share something quick and simple but equally good! Lately work's been a little crazy so I haven't had my relaxed time to prepare my meals. Anyway, we all know how the pandemic has ruined a lot of things for us, and for me particularly, it's social events. I don't know about you but fiesta is a huge deal in kapampangan culture. One thing they even say is that sometimes, even when people do not have money anymore, they still chuck out money no matter how small just to prepare food for a fiesta. That's kind of the culture I grew up on.
But again, we all know how everyone's missing out, and I'm no exception. It's almost the end of the year and I haven't attended any social gathering in the past 8mos, haven't gone home to visit my friends not attend a fiesta, which is one of my favorite festivities at home. So I thought, why not cook at home instead so I can reminisce? That's exactly what today's recipe is all about. Let's get cooking!