I got an email from Man Crates a few days ago asking me if I was willing to create a post on my do or die essentials, or simply put, the things that I can't live without. Things would've been easy If I had an empty bag I can stuff with things, the catch is, I can only have 5 things with me. I know this is hypothetical and all, but guys, I take shit like this seriously. Mancrates, why did you have to torture me like that? UGH. If you're wondering, by the way, Mancrates is a company that builds gifts for men wrapped in awesome crates--and they come with crow bars, too! I bet it couldn't get more manly than that.
I also decided to work on a new category for the blog--Five Faves. Since Man Crates only asked for 5 things, I thought, this would be perfect to kick off the new category. I picked the top 5 essentials that popped right on top of my head when I read the question. So please, don't judge. Well, it's a blog for crying out loud so judge all you want. I can block your comment anyway, loljk! Here's my list!