I remember being fond of make-up when I was a child. But I also remember being utterly terrified by it when I swallowed a tube of our house helper's chocolate-flavored lipstick. In my defense, I was kid--and I thought make-up was edible. From there, I sort of developed this phobia when it comes to make-up. It also didn't help that my school didn't allow make-up, even when we were already in highschool. My basic staples were baby powder, oil film and lip gloss. I don't know about you but we bragged about all sort of Chapstick or Maybelline lip gloss flavors in high school. I remember being the cool girl one time because my Grandma got me Lip Smackers in Candy Confetti and I was the first girl in class to ever have that flavor, lol.
Growing up, I didn't really feel the need to invest in make-up. One big factor would be not seeing my Mom wear make-up, ever. Well, she did some times. Mostly during school occasions and it would be a teenee-tiny dab of pale lipstick. Until now, I still don't see the need to invest in expensive brushes, contouring shit, sponges, to name a few. I have learned to add a bit of color to my face though, lol! If that's something I can even be proud of. My interest in make-up may grow in the future but for now, I'm fine with my everyday beauty essentials.