Misused and Abused
Thursday, August 06, 2009I haven't been stable for quite a while now. For the past weeks, or month rather, Ive been trying to recall my dreams and I was also trying to make them come to life. With no hope in this dreaded place Im in, literally, I found a link. Teehee. A link that would make me go closer to my Dreamy Orgasmic bliss. I mean, its really a link. My stay here in Manila have been rather boring nor empty. I know I have to go through a certain process for it will lead me to greater glory, or will it really? As of now, I don't really know. Its tepid here. I kept freaming of balmy nights and starry skies, in your eyes and in your arms. Am I too young for this shit? I dont think so, baby. Im not mature enough to know, and Im irrational enough to prepare for it. Come what may, I want you to always be here. YOU are the link, baby.
Ive been a loner and a loser. I am a hypocrite. I try to deviate from my co-workers in this ill-gotten place. I try to veer away for them for they don't have my trust, not yet. Its hard for me to open up to other people.
You know love, all of them would always amount to only you. I need to get out, I need to mature.
I need to grow up. Thank you baby for this :)