Top 5 Smartphone Charging Tips

Sunday, May 14, 2017

How many of you guys consciously take care of your smartphones by practicing proper charging procedures? Raise of hands? To be honest, I'm also guilty of not doing so. With everything that's going on in my life, who the hell has time to even follow proper charging procedures?? I just mostly plug the charger cable and leave it charging overnight so I'm good to go in the morning--which we all know is the culprit of broken if not blown-up batteries. 

I remember having to go through cable after cable because we all know how sturdy the freaking Apple cable is! I even had to resort to cheap knock-offs because I badly needed my phone. This also resulted to a lot of compatibility issues and problems with my battery. Good thing I was up for a phone change, and since then vowed never to take charging my smartphone for granted. Today I'm sharing a few tips I've learned along the way. Simple and easy steps that won't take your time. You might even be doing some of these already!

 The first time I tried Magnetic Cables, I was baffled in awe! My usual problem aside from not finding the charging port when the lights are out in my room would be plugging the charging cable in the car! You know how when you're driving and you have to plug it in that part of the car that sooooo way below your level? Yep, that. With the Magneto Cable (, you just have to  put the other magnetic end on the charging port and everything will fall into place. Easy peasy! This may sound like a first world problem but I promise you this convenience can save lives, seriously! Check out Magneto Cable and it's awesome features It's also at 50% off so you only get it for the whopping price of P500! Wow, that sounded like something straight out of O-Shopping, lol! But seriously, you know how much iPhone chargers cost right? So at this rate, it's a steal. Check it out and let me know what you think!

What is your go-to Smartphone charging tip?

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